links to my friends sites and
other interesting places!
my sites
my photo gallery at
the polar protocol web site
the consumers plc web site
charity web site made mostly by me while working at CA
my mate lee's floopy
web page
my uni mate steves puzzle game
my great mate stu's moto guzzi company
photos by my good friend dave roberts
friends musical sites
james warrens band site
a mates good indie band
simon mcilhinneys (aka amber bassist) site with some top mp3s
a tallented fellow warwick uni band
workmate-mate nigels musical stuff
other sites worthy of links
warwick uni indie society i used to dj for
cool sites
the best places i've found on the intothenet
online hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
the hawkmans crib
inspiring stuff!
very very cool
some other cool web design sites
it is unhealthy for your screen to be this big
static version
dragmeplease dragmeifyoulike ifyouwantyoucandragmearound